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  Topic: The Bathroom Wall, A PT tradition< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 3668
Joined: Oct. 2009

(Permalink) Posted: July 03 2012,15:10   

Quote (Kattarina98 @ July 03 2012,14:43)
Quote (OgreMkV @ July 03 2012,14:35)
Mom update.

The clot is removed and several leaky blood vessels were sealed.

No indications of retinal damage or failure.  She shouldn't even have any blind spots.


Good news indeed! Were you with her during these days?

She must be so relieved to be able to cope now. Moving elsewhere would have been terrible; it's not only the house but the neighbourhood which is so important - people you have seen grow up, shop owners who greet you with your name, when you read the local news you know what it's all about ... it is incredibly damaging to be uprooted.

Heh, she's not even moved yet.  Just thinking about it scares her.  Things like this are one reason we want her to move... to be closer to us.  She has no family anywhere nearby.

As for me, I had to send my wife to help.  I'm working from home and watching the boy.  I hated doing it, but we had some major deadlines and project issues going on I really had to deal with it myself.

Of course, I made sure that everyone knew I was choosing to work instead of take care of my mom and that it shouldn't be expected any time something comes up.

Ignored by those who can't provide evidence for their claims.

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