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  Topic: The Bathroom Wall, A PT tradition< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 3668
Joined: Oct. 2009

(Permalink) Posted: July 01 2012,10:52   

Random Venting... or not so random.

My mom is going to the serious doctor on Tuesday.

About 3 months ago, she had cataract surgery.  This was the last of the two eyes for surgery and it went very well.  She could see (better than me without my glasses) and even came to see us for a week.

Then about six weeks ago, she complained about blurry vision and a blob.  The eye doctor said it was just a protein build up in the eyeball and should settle out in a few days or weeks.  

Two weeks later, she had a large blob right in the center of her vision.  It almost caused her to have a car accident as she swerved to avoid this big blob that was only in her eye.  She went back to her local eye doc and they made an appointment for a specialist who came into their office once every two weeks.

He took a look and used a laser to seal a miniscule hole in the retina of her eye.  He said, that the blob was really a blood clot and it should reduce over time and settle out of her vision.  She reported that she could see much better, except for this big blob.

A week later, her vision became blurry again and the blob got bigger.  Fortunately, it was about time for the visiting specialist to come back.  That was Thursday.

He took one look and made an appointment for her this coming Tuesday at the big, serious hospital.  He's going to have to remove the cornea, extract the blood clot and then figure out what's wrong.  At that time (hopefully) he will be able to effect repairs.  

The good news is that there are no symptoms of a detached retina.  Bad news, even if the surgery goes perfectly, it could seriously hamper her vision in the future.

We were all planning on spending this summer moving her to live with us, but she can't do any work around her house and really doesn't want to.  

If she loses her vision, then it will radically alter our plans for living arrangements.  Heck, even if she doesn't lose her vision, she probably won't feel comfortable living upstairs.

Ignored by those who can't provide evidence for their claims.

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