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  Topic: The Bathroom Wall, A PT tradition< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Sep. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: June 27 2012,19:22   

Quote (Ftk @ June 25 2012,20:24)
O.M.G....the kid and I are brainstorming and running through site after site of college scholarships.  Shoot's enough to make your freaking head spin.  O.o

We have three Kansas college visits set up now, but he's thinking out of state school atm.  Found an outstanding website for schools he's interested in (, but if he were to get accepted by any of them, it wwoul cost a small fortune.  I need to just rob a bank.  I think it would be easier and certainly less time consuming than hunting down all these scholarships.

Pray for us people...even if you don't believe in a higher

Pray for you to rob a bank? ;)

Gone are the days when waitroning paid at least a quarter of my schooling, but can he also find work-study? Loans are a good option if you don't go nuts with them - my parents took them out, I paid them back!

I second the FAFSA suggestion. And don't let the cost scare him away from living on campus out of state. I've done that, also lived in an apt while going to school, lived in my own house while attending night/weekend classes, and lived with my folks for a while while going to night school - nothing substitutes for that on-campus experience.

I do not recommend the Art Institutes. Stay away from for-profits - you don't know how many of my patrons are in debt with a useless degree from one of these diploma mills. They are not the same as "private" colleges. The Art Institutes is being sued by the Justice Department for being deceptive in their recruiting practices. Research, research, and talk to teachers and your local librarians!

Which came first: the shimmy, or the hip?

AtBC Poet Laureate

"I happen to think that this prerequisite criterion of empirical evidence is itself not empirical." - Clive

"Damn you. This means a trip to the library. Again." -- fnxtr

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