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  Topic: The Bathroom Wall, A PT tradition< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Mar. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2012,16:31   

OgreMkV and Tracy Hamilton were *extremely* helpful in pm, but I'll just throw what I wrote to them out here and any of you who have the inclination can chime in.  My son has read there responses, and is very pleased...has a few follow up questions I'll try get to Ogre later.

Here's the deal....

Here’s his dilemma....One centers around his career choice..the other is the financial situation.  Financially, I think we have done enough research, that we’re probably on the right track. He’s reading “How to go to college almost free”..Ben Kaplan.  Lots of interesting/helpful information in there.  His school counselors are very helpful on the topic as well.

Career choice is another matter.  He’s very gifted in the field of art, winning several awards in school and community (school of 1700 students), being requested by the school to design shirts and other things that come up.  He has a lot of engineers and artists on his Dad’s side...teachers on my side.  He’s working for a bronze sculptor this summer doing odds and ends around his studio, but has access to learning from his as well.

His LOVE is 3D animation/imaging.  He is obsessed with it, and already spends hours and hours and hours learning various graphics computer applications and designing things on his own.  He’d like a career in designing for computer games/programs/animation, etc.  BUT, he’s also aware that those jobs are extremely hard to come by, and he’s watched many people over the last few years not able to find jobs in the fields they went to college for due to the poor economy.  He’s also aware that art is the first field to suffer when the economy is poor.  

What he’d like is to find a way to work toward his goal, but have a back up plan.  That would mean he needs to have laid out for him other career paths that would use the skills he has so that he doesn’t have to give up his dream of working toward some sort of 3D imaging design path.  

He also needs to know what the best place to study would be.  We will certainly contact KState, KU, Washburn University here in Kansas to see which would offer the best path for what he’d like to do, but he’s worried that Kansas may not be the best place for this career path and that other school may provide something much better.  He has no idea how to find the right fit.  

Also, he’d really like to do this in a financially feasible way.  He’s been told by *many* people to attend a junior college near us that supposedly is very good at transferring to all major universities.  He could stay at home to save even more money that first year or two.  He’s worried he’ll miss out on something he wants to take early on, but as I’ve assured him, he can always take anything he wants or needs for his major when he moves on to a 4 year college to finish his degree.  

So, biggest item on his mind is finding as many fields as possible where he could use his skills so that he is more likely to be guaranteed a job when he graduates.  Where on earth do we get that kind of information?


Like I said...he has several things to think about after Ogre/Tracy responses, but if you have any other suggestions, have at it.

One thing I know he's still mulling over is how he could get in touch with some professionals in the field of 3D animation/imaging since he's leaning toward that path.

Someone who would be willing to take the time to give him some good advise about the field...the pay...other avenues other than animation where his skills might be of use that guarantee job openings and decent salary.  He's read a ton about it online, but still would love to contact some *real* people.   Ogre has given some good suggestions in this regard as well, but he'd still like to get with some people who are working in the field he's interested in.  He could just start calling places I guess, but not even sure where to start here in KS...he'd probably end up working out of state anyway.

Oh, and he just finished his junior he's working on scholarships/financial apps this summer.

"Evolution is a creationism and just as illogical [as] the other pantheistic creation myths"  -forastero

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