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  Topic: The Bathroom Wall, A PT tradition< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
The whole truth

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Joined: Jan. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: June 04 2012,05:44   

SD, as you said you brought it up here recently and I don't see anything wrong with that unless I or someone else is prevented from speaking about it. I accept that you're now trying to sooth the hostilities and promote peace, and that you didn't intend to stir up a hornet nest. You brought it up but you're not responsible for what other people say about it.

There are some things that I wonder if anyone else has considered:

WHY would PZ Meyers or anyone else take such a NON-incident and blow it so far out of proportion? Even IF it did occur, what's his agenda in portraying himself like a knight in shining armor who is slaying dragons to keep the women of the world (or just the ones who speak at atheist/skeptic conferences) safe from harm? Did PZ and the others on the 'most-men-are-misogynistic-monsters-and-potential-rapists' bandwagon speak out so strongly (and for so long) against sexism (or alleged sexism), that allegedly happens at atheist/skeptic conferences and/or elsewhere, BEFORE this alleged incident occurred?

What better way to make yourself look like a swashbuckling hero than to publicly come to the aid of a damsel in distress, even though there's no evidence that any damsel was ever actually in distress (or at least not legitimate distress)? Call me suspicious but maybe it's PZ who's trying to get laid. Is Rebecca Watson young-ish and attractive? Hmm, I wonder if he has ever asked her if she'd like a coffee or a drink, and/or has ever been in an elevator with her.

And what is RW's agenda in making a public stink about something SO trivial, even IF it did actually happen? Is she the one who pushes the Skepchick and Skepdude calenders while at the same time bitching about "sexism" and "sexualization"?

What if a similar alleged incident had occurred at a theists conference, or a plumbers conference, or a lesbians conference, or a conference of gay men? Would the same people have said the same things about it? Think about it.

One more thing, who the hell is Rebecca Watson and what has she ever done that makes her or anyone else think that she's so damn important that such a NON-incident (that doesn't even have any evidence of ever actually happening) is worthy of being so publicly magnified into a gigantic tempest and crusade?

I can't help but think of all the legitimately serious problems that people (men, women, and children) have that many people don't give a shit about. Being uncouthly asked if she'd like to go to a room for coffee (IF it did happen) pales in comparison to a lot of actual horrible things that are going on on this planet, and there are bigger fish to fry than some allegedly ill-mannered guy in an elevator or protecting Rebecca Watson's fragile (or demanding?) sensibilities.

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. - Jesus in Matthew 10:34

But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me. -Jesus in Luke 19:27

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