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  Topic: The Bathroom Wall, A PT tradition< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 1208
Joined: June 2006

(Permalink) Posted: May 27 2012,07:49   

It's hard to believe that what amounts to a notincident not only created the stir it did, but has now been resurrected for another go-around.  It brings to mind Loudon Wainwright III and his "Drinking Song" and in particular the opening verse:

Drunk men stumble, drunk men fall
Drunk men swear and that's not all
Quite often they will urinate outdoors

Drunk people do stupid things.  There was plenty of reason for the woman involved to feel uncomfortable, and even afraid, because drunk men also do unspeakable things sometimes, and those things are often directed at women.   As it turned out the man was rude, or at least obliviously insensitive, and caused someone to be uncomfortable and indignant.  This is not the stuff of great controversy.  

Men, and especially young ones, want to have sex, and lots of it.  It's a biological imperative.   This causes some of them to do rude and insensitive things. This is not an excuse, however, for rude and insensitive behavior, because as John Hiatt, another of my favorite songwriters said, "We can choose, you know we ain't no amoebas"  Therein lies the seed of the controversy, which is not a controversy at all. Someone did something stupid and insensitive and someone else thought, apparently, that commonplace behaviors are the stuff of Profound Meaning and Injustice.  They're not.

As for PZ, there's no doubt in my mind that he occasionally foments this type of thing deliberately and with great glee in his powers of manipulation.  He is, in that sense, a sort of liberal Rush Limbaugh at times.  He throws a pork chop into a pen of hungry dogs and then sits back and watches with delight as the post count rises. That many otherwise intelligent and perceptive people allow PZ to attach his electrodes to them amazes me sometimes.

Evolution is not about laws but about randomness on happanchance.--Robert Byers, at PT

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