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  Topic: The Bathroom Wall, A PT tradition< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Schroedinger's Dog

Posts: 1692
Joined: Jan. 2009

(Permalink) Posted: May 26 2012,10:38   

Quote (Kattarina98 @ May 26 2012,17:09)
Quote (utidjian @ May 25 2012,20:18)
One thing I do NOT do is ask a woman (or any person for that matter) that doesn't even know my name or who I am, at 4AM, alone on an elevator, in a foreign country, who I have listened to speak all day, and most of the night about objectification of women and how it really turns women off, who has said they are tired and going to bed because they have a long day tomorrow, up to my room for a little chat over coffee.


Much has been said which I won't repeat. Just to clarify even more for those who can't understand why the situation is not comparable to a woman asking a man to have a cup of coffee:

It's not just about saying "no" to a creep - that's easy. But women have to carefully assess this specific situation: How should they say it? Too firm - that could make him aggressive. Too friendly - he might take it for an invitation to press harder.
And what if he doesn't take "no" for an answer - could he try to rape her?

Hope that helps.

For the record, no one at ERV's questionned RW's experience and video until it was conflated by pharyngulites into a serious rape threat and anyone disagreeing with that view was a misogynistic MRA. But I'm repeating myself here.

Again, as said a few posts above, RW was totally justified and in her right to feel creeped out and make that video. This, at least, is my position, as well as that of many other ERV commenters.

Lou: EG never came out with his side of the story, and many have wondered if he even existed. Even if he didn't, the allegory would still stand as far as obnoxious behavior at atheist meetings go.

To note, ERV's slimepit has become a reference thread for FTB's double standards and hyporcisy, adorned with various direct links and quotes. That this might not be welcome I can understand, but it needs to be done. ERV's is to FTB as AtBC is to UD. Anyone disagreeing with this should explain why and provide links and quotes.

Short exemple?:

Abbie Smith is in denial. Now, in addition to implying that Sb crew at FtB are responsible for shutting down the slimepit, she claims I’ve been lying about the imminent changes.

NatGeo have been just fine. Not being sarcastic. PZ was blatantly *lying* about censorship from NatGeo last year.

So I said NatGeo would be lightly censoring content last year. This year, NatGeo is telling Abbie Smith to censor some offensive posts. Therefore, in Abbie Smith’s world, I was lying when I said NatGeo would be asking us to censor some content.

I don’t get it.

PZ at

NatGeo didn't censor anything from Abbie. Nothing in over 3 days. Why PZ's blog comments are not there yet I can only assume comes from the shift in format.

But the one person initiating the complain to NatGeo, as well as a letter to Abbie's department head is none other than Greg Laden, who is on, wait for it, FTB! Go and rationalize that...

"Hail is made out of water? Are you really that stupid?" Joe G

"I have a better suggestion, Kris. How about a game of hide and go fuck yourself instead." Louis

"The reason people use a crucifix against vampires is that vampires are allergic to bullshit" Richard Pryor

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