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  Topic: Joe G.'s Tardgasm, How long can it last?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: May 21 2012,20:55   

Quote (The whole truth @ May 21 2012,19:47)
joey g barfed:

MONDAY, MAY 21, 2012
EvoTARDs' Transparent Lunacy
Elizabeth Liddle has a blog entry in which she tries to argue that a sculptured statue (of David) refutes the claim that merely throwing stuff out created the statue and therefor refutes Gil Dodgen's claim that throwing stuff out isn't creative.

This is all in reference to natural selection, which is a result, basically eliminative and doesn't do anything.

Unfortunately none of the evoTARDs making and trying to support that argument will be testifying in any Court case involving the "theory" of evolution.

Just how fucking stupid and dishonest can people be to compare an agency intentionally designing something to a blind and mindless result?

It is obvious that Elizabeth is bitter over being dumped from Uncommon Descent and will just say anything in order to strike back. Too bad she just whiffs and strikes out.

Aw, little joey is throwing yet another bitter, crybaby tantrum because he was dumped from TSZ and can't post his projectile vomit there anymore. Poor thing.

Hey joey, just how fucking stupid and dishonest can you and the other IDiots be to spend your lives pushing a religious and political agenda that is based solely on controlling people with insane fairy tales and lies?

And speaking of striking out, if a baseball game were compared to ID vs. science, you IDiots and your so-called inference would be like a T-Ball team trying to beat World Series winners. In fact, a T-Ball team would do better than you IDiots because they would at least bring SOMETHING useful to the game. You IDiots bring nothing but your big mouths and delusions.

You bring no research, no evidence, no tests, no coherent definitions of your own terms (e.g. "CSI"), no tools, no foundation, no specific or useful predictions, no peer reviewed papers that are directly supportive of ID in credible scientific journals, and no balls.

You think that you're actually playing in the scientific majors and can change the rules by lying about your agenda and by screaming 'kill the umpire' from the armchair in your basement, but you're wrong. You're not in the science stadium and you can't even find the parking lot. You're just a lost, noisy, player-wannabe who will never even come up to the plate in T-Ball, let alone the major leagues.

By the way joey, didn't you say that you don't care about what is said on TSZ and other "evotard blogs"? For someone who says they don't care you sure do care.

Yeah, um, Joe, it bears remembering that the "mere" elimination of natural selection works parallel with the success of other e-Harmony candidates who actually don't end up alone, paranoid, and weird with snakes in one's neglected swimming pool while peeping through the dilapidated fence at the neighbor's wife while she is sunbathing.

But every time that Joey writes, he is "eliminating." That reference to Internet ManBeast was spot-on! :)

Which came first: the shimmy, or the hip?

AtBC Poet Laureate

"I happen to think that this prerequisite criterion of empirical evidence is itself not empirical." - Clive

"Damn you. This means a trip to the library. Again." -- fnxtr

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