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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 4, Fostering a Greater Understanding of IDC< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
The whole truth

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Joined: Jan. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: May 06 2012,01:49   

Quote (REC @ May 05 2012,20:32)
What a little shitstain Sal is-

He says--"Top Johns Hopkins Surgeon Persecuted for being a Creationist" in a "witch hunt at Emory."

Real story:
Dr. Ben Carson is scheduled to give Emory's Commencement, and receive a honorary degree.

Professors and students wrote a letter: “deeply concerning  . . . That he equates the acceptance of evolution with a lack of ethics and morality.” And that “not only encourages the insertion of unnecessary and destructive wedges between Americans but stands against many of the ideals of this university.”

“Dr. Carson was a childhood hero of mine, and he still is a hero of mine,” said Arri Eisen, Ph.D., Emory University Department of Biology. “What worried me the most was the fact that he said if you do accept evolution that you’re somehow ethically lacking.”

"The professors say this is no protest and they still want Carson to speak at the commencement.

They say they simply want to draw attention to Carson’s stance."

“I credit my university with being open to and engaging in these conversations because it’s not having those conversations where that can lead to many dangerous situations in politics and beyond that we see in our country today,” Eisen said.

Lions at the Colosseum, I tell ya....

And of course the acceptance of natural evolution is the acceptance that we humans descended from an ape-like ancestor and many other ancestors, all the way back to star stuff, which just won't do with the egotistical god zombies. They arrogantly believe that humans (and especially themselves) were specially created by their chosen god in its image, and that absolutely everything else is inferior and was provided for god worshiping humans to exploit.

If it weren't for science's position that humans evolved like other life forms, from other life forms, I doubt that godbots would have any disagreement with the ToE. To the god pushers it's all about setting themselves above nature.

To thumpers, nature is crude and amoral. Ethics, morality, altruism, love, intelligence, etc., just couldn't have come from apes, fish, and molecules in a primordial swamp, so that stuff must have come from their chosen god and was given to humans out of loving generosity and in exchange for blind faith and worship. Anyone who disagrees with that is seen as a blaspheming, ungrateful enemy of their chosen god that must be converted or wiped out.

The human ego can be a terrible thing.

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. - Jesus in Matthew 10:34

But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me. -Jesus in Luke 19:27

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