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  Topic: Joe G.'s Tardgasm, How long can it last?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 1405
Joined: Dec. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2012,07:48   

Joe demonstrates his awesome knowledge of orbital mechanics:

Joe: I understand orbital mechanics. And YOU cannot demonstrate the orbital mechanics of a universe with one star and one planet/ moon system.

me: No, you don’t. You don’t even know that a single planet can have a stable orbit around a star.

Joe: Wrong again, oleg. YOU can’t even keep the context straight. BTW I never said that a single planet cannot have a stable orbit around a star- never.

me: Yes, you did. You kept asking silly questions like this: "How does it stay away, oleg? Remember there is only that system in the entire universe."

Joe: Oleg- CONTEXT is everything- I was talking about a one star universe- one star with one planet/ moon system.

me: Yes, that’s precisely the system that is stable and does not require any support from outside.

Joe: So you say yet cannot demonstrate.

me: Of course I can. It was first demonstrated by Newton, who derived Kepler’s laws from Newtonian mechanics and the law of gravity. It has been textbook stuff for centuries. And you are blissfully unaware of it. Case closed.

Joe: No you can’t, Newton never dealt with a one star universe- you are a liar.

me: That is precisely what Newton did. He considered a single star with a single planet orbiting it. That is known as the Kepler problem in mechanics.

Joe: No, Newton did NOT deal with a ONE STAR UNIVERSE- a one star system, but NOT a ONE STAR UNIVERSE.

me: No, Joe, you are wrong. Newton considered a problem in which there was one star, one planet, and nothing else. Literally. It is a universe with one star and one planet. Go ahead, look it up.

Joe: He couldn’t have- how would such a system come into existence?

me: He did not address the question of its origin. It’s irrelevant. He considered the dynamics of such a system. It’s stable. Go ahead, click on the link: Kepler problem. It won’t bite you. :)

Joe: If he didn’t address the question of origin then he has nothing. Not only that but he was unaware of the fabric of space-time. And taht means he is irrelevant to this discussion.


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