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  Topic: Biology @ Coastal Carolina & UNCW, Lou FCD Goes to School< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 26 2012,14:04   

Quote (Wesley R. Elsberry @ Feb. 26 2012,13:11)
Quote (Lou FCD @ Feb. 26 2012,08:30)
Turns out I may be a half-decent photographer, but I'm a shitty art critic.

There are certain expectations for an academic art exhibit, and one I've seen a fair amount and may have had an influence is "rejection of the commercial". If it has to do with commerce or an aesthetic that is common in commerce, then it won't go far with an academic judge who has this in mind. That would explain why your first two images would go nowhere.

Ah, well that's something I hadn't thought about, thanks for bringing that to my attention. Of course, unless grad students are eligible wherever I end up, this is my last academic art show.

Quote (Wesley R. Elsberry @ Feb. 26 2012,13:11)
Back in my undergraduate days, I took several photography courses through the college of fine arts. My paid job at the time was as a staff photographer for the school newspaper. Some days I would be "on call", and the voice pager was the latest technology for putting editors in touch with photographers. One such day, I was sitting in on a graduate seminar being given by Jerry N. Uelsmann, the most prominent photographer on the faculty. There were maybe eighteen people in attendance. He was in fine form, giving a lecture on how photojournalism was killing the art of photography. Of course, before the end of class happened, my pager went off. Our most excitable editor's voice clearly carried across the room, going on about a reporter needing my photographic services at a particular place on campus, and get there ASAP. The longest part of the walk was the ten feet to the door of the lecture room.

lol, I can just imagine! I really wish I could figure out a way to squeeze in some actual photography classes. On the other hand, the intro photo classes seem to be about developing film in a darkroom, and as interesting as that topic might be, it's not what I'm looking for.

The local camera shop holds weekly classes in a commercial setting, but frankly, having conversed on numerous occasions with the guys who work there, I'm not at all confident that my $30/class would be well-spent.

“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend

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