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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 4, Fostering a Greater Understanding of IDC< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
The whole truth

Posts: 1554
Joined: Jan. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 07 2012,09:18   

Quote (Soapy Sam @ Feb. 07 2012,04:49)
Quote (The whole truth @ Feb. 06 2012,22:45)
Elizabeth Liddle
February 6, 2012 at 8:33 am


From here



I think the problem, such as it may be, is that Elizabeth is fundamentally good-natured. As such, I think she stands head and shoulders above the sanctimonious knobshiners that characterise much of the 'opposition' - the KFs and the BA77's and the UBs and - the latest contender vying for a place in the Top 5 contentious UD ass stakes - the Axels. The people who claim submission to a higher standard and then proceed to debase that standard by their attitude to fellow human beings. There are honourable exceptions.

She sticks up for herself, by her own lights. I too was amazed when she offered an apology to KF after the inexcusable 'derail'/Mr Leathers rant, but ... it's different for girls. I hope that isn't patronising. I would eat my own gonads rather than apologise to any of the many dipshits who have chosen to denigrate my intellect or motivation rather than address my arguments. My wife would just laugh.

Liz enjoys the argument. She's aware that banning is ever-present, and - whatever her reasons for posting, in what is really a matter for individual choice - calling KF would lead to it in fairly short order.

Everyone could perhaps just leave UD to shrivel in a succession of 1-or-2-comment bits of 'News'. It's only the 'materialists' that stir up any real interest in a thread - and that very interest makes the denizens think their movement is a significant force - they don't realise it is simply individuals arguing against bad philosophy and bad science, mostly for fun.

I can't even be arsed reading threads that KF is participating in. Life is too short to penetrate that god-awful prose. But if Elizabeth is prepared to dissect his arguments ... she will naver make him see what he is, but it serves to bring it to the attention of others.

I do wonder how the 'moderates' feel about the way their case is pursued.

Hi Sam, I'm not quite sure how to put this into written words that will accurately convey my thoughts but I'll try. I have considered what you said about EL, and I have put a lot of thought into trying to understand her motives and the way she deals with the IDiots at UD. While it does appear (at UD) that she is fundamentally good-natured, I get a different impression after looking at some of the things she has said on other sites, at least to the point where I have a hard time believing that her approach at UD is just because of good natured-ness, or naivety, or because she's a she. And when it comes to the ever present specter of banning at UD, well, I don't see that as any excuse for anyone to tolerate or cave into their malicious false accusations, massive hypocrisy, lies, distortions, dictatorial demands, or any of their other bullshit.

Being a woman is no excuse either. For decades women have been shoving it in men's faces that they are equal, don't need a man, can take care of themselves, and so on, plus EL is a well educated, accomplished person, and is a specialist in mental disorders, and is married to a psychiatrist, and is very experienced at internet debating, and seems to be able to be quite blunt on other sites.

I'm pretty sure that I've thought of all the reasons that could motivate her to post at UD at all, and also the possible reasons for the way in which she responds to mullings and the other IDiots, and frankly, I can't think of any good reason for her to tolerate or cave into mullings or any of the other IDiots.  Unless she wants to be an enabler, or a masochist, there's no good reason to take the shit that mullings and the other IDiots dish out. She has been insulted, ridiculed, accused of being a liar and other derogatory thing many times, and many of those things were thrown at her by mullings, yet she said that he has nothing to apologize for?? That isn't being good-natured, it's being submissive and enabling.

For awhile I thought like many others have. I thought that she was doing pretty well at showing that the IDiots don't have a clue and that they are the ones who don't live up to their alleged morals and other claims of being the 'good guys', but lately I've realized that she isn't accomplishing anything worthwhile there anymore and is just making herself an easy target and a doormat for those predatory assholes. Of course she can do whatever she likes and I can't stop her but I wish that she would rethink the way that she deals with the IDiots at UD, or just stop posting there at all. She could be more effective by posting elsewhere, like her own blog, where the dipshits at UD have no control.  

I have jumped on mullings and the other IDiots for the way they have treated her, many times, mostly on my site, but I'm having a hard time feeling that way anymore. The knight in shining armor in me wants to defend her but I'm also feeling that she is willingly putting herself in their clutches, and especially when she caves into them. I will continue to jump on the IDiots for their intolerable behavior but I will resist defending her personally, and will not defend her just because she's a woman. I want to add that I also wouldn't pick on anyone just because they're a woman.

I have a hard time standing up for someone who isn't willing to stand up for themselves, unless they're unable to for some reason, but I really don't think that EL is unable to. I would think that she should realize that showing any weakness to those arrogant god-wannabes is not going to do any good. Like you said, she will never make mullings (or any other IDiot) see what he is, and especially when she caters to his dictatorial insanity in any way. I also think that gordo and the other IDiots will do just fine at showing how fucked up they are without her dissecting their arguments at UD. If they were left to themselves at UD, the site would go back to being as dead as it used to be, and if no one were responding to them at UD the IDiots would have to step out of their echo-chamber sanctuary if they want to argue their bullshit with anyone other than the handful of other IDiots there. Like you also said, it's only the 'materialists' that stir up any real interest in a thread.

I realize that not everyone will agree with me (maybe no one will) but I have to speak up when something really bugs me.

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. - Jesus in Matthew 10:34

But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me. -Jesus in Luke 19:27

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