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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 4, Fostering a Greater Understanding of IDC< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 442
Joined: June 2010

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 29 2012,07:36   

Quote (The whole truth @ Jan. 29 2012,06:48)
I think that they see science, and especially the ToE, as a threat to their beliefs and agenda, and as a very 'tough customer' that simply must be persuaded (or forced) to buy the bullshit they're trying to sell.

Kairosfocus and his kind are never going to change their beliefs.  Their faith is fundamental to the way they make sense of the universe and tells them they have an important place within it.  There is no way they're going to give that up.

The problem for them is that, where religion says one thing about the world and science says another, science gets believed more.  People may not always like what science says but they know that it works a lot better than religion when it comes to putting food on the table, lighting and heating homes, understanding and treating illnesses and providing all manner of gadgets and devices for us to play with.

Because science provides knowledge that is more reliable and useful than that of religion, in many areas it now speaks with greater authority.  This is what believers like kf fear most - irrelevance. This is what they know they have to do something about. This is why contributors to Uncommon Descent spend vastly more time and effort attacking and trying to undermine the credibility of science than they ever do promoting Intelligent Design.

This, of course, is also why kf harps on about the amorality of science.  I'm sure he knows full well that science is about what is, not what should be but morality is still one area where faith can still offer something useful and speak with some authority.

Now, if we could just get him to explain - in less then 5000 words and stripped of any references to Lewontin, red herrings, strawmen and ad hominem - in what sense any morality can possibly be considered 'objective', we might get somewhere.

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