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Question: Gay Marriage Poll :: Total Votes:78
Poll choices Votes Statistics
Gay marriage should be legal 75  [96.15%]
Gay marriage should not be legal 3  [3.85%]
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  Topic: Gay Marriage Poll, It's poll day, apparently< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 301
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: June 08 2006,20:40   

We are having a similar debate in Australia at the moment and I can't see what is the conservative's point. Gays currently live together, some have marriage ceremonies.

All this debate is about. is to allow these people (and/or goats, or whatever turns you on) have recognition that they have a significant other person (or goat) in a legal sense. This doesn't mean the government condones it. It allows them the same rights to insurance, superannuation, hospital visits. What's this got to do with sex? That will happen anyway whether the law passes or not. If Thordaddy doesn't like certain combinations to have sex with each other then outlaw the sex. If the act is not against the law why for FSMs sake not give people equal rights.


  171 replies since June 06 2006,11:15 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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