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  Topic: Official Uncommonly Dense Discussion Thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 49
Joined: Feb. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: June 08 2006,16:10   

My favorite bits are this:

F.A. Hayek long ago recognized the phenomenon of "spontaneous order" and described how it arose in markets, families, and other social institutions. Now, ingenious computer models are confirming Hayek's insights. It is increasingly obvious that social systems, from commerce to language, evolve and adapt without the need for top-down planning and organization. Order in markets is generated through processes analogous to Darwinian natural selection in biology. In other words, we can indeed have apparent design without a designer; the world is demonstrably brimming with just such phenomena.

and this

But as one social welfare program after another succumbed to its unintended consequences, they recognized the limits of governmental intervention.

However, based on jupiter's post, what it seems has replaced the neo-cons' recognition of the limits of governmental intervention is an attitude of, "We recoginze the limits, but don't care, 'cause we know what's best for all of you!"

When did the neo-cons become Liberals?

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