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Question: Gay Marriage Poll :: Total Votes:78
Poll choices Votes Statistics
Gay marriage should be legal 75  [96.15%]
Gay marriage should not be legal 3  [3.85%]
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  Topic: Gay Marriage Poll, It's poll day, apparently< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 486
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: June 08 2006,14:15   


When will gay "marriage" advocates learn that implicitly denigrating traditional marriage undermines their own argument for gay "marriage?"  

If you see no intrinsic societal value in traditional marriage then you are saying unequivocally that there is no intrinsic societal value in gay "marriage."  So why are you pushing for something that means nothing?

I didn't get married because I wasn't willing to give a commitment and I saw no value in marriage.  You have to learn to see value in marriage lest you be a liberal and see no value in marriage so much so that you will readily equate it with homosexual "marriage."  I see no equality between the two as far bringing forth a more stable and civil society.  I began to see the value in traditional marriage in accordance with the push for gay "marriage" and its attempt to claim moral and societal equivalence under the guise of "progressiveness."

  171 replies since June 06 2006,11:15 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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