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Joined: Oct. 2009

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 04 2011,15:20   

Quote (forastero @ Dec. 04 2011,12:42)
Again, your so caught up in psuedouniformitarianism that you insist that even the unsteadyness is steady. The fact of the matter though is that varying alterations have been found just days apart. heck you and tracy even admitted last week or so that cosmic rays have different influences in different places. The reason for these differences is due to vast variables and catalysts

The problem is that every time these decay oscillation are rediscovered, they get swept back under the rug[/quote]
So you  are suggesting that a fundamental law of physics is pretty much random over any period of time?  Because that is what you are saying.

Just out of curiosity, would you care to explain why the massive variation that this requires has stopped within the last few hundred years and hasn't been seen since we've had instruments to measure it?

The problem is that you have zero evidence for anything that suggests decay rates are changing.  The one reference you cited has been nullified by the simple fact that no one else can get the same oscillating signal.

You have to give us a mechanism for a 100,000% change in decay rates over the last 6,000 years.

But not only that, the decay rates for all the different radioisotopes must not be different, but must vary at different rates so that they all point at the same date that they do now.  In other words, you have to explain why all of the different dating methods point to the same date.

I guess you have abandoned your Noah's Flood/kinds/epigenetics plot line.  Probably for the best.  Chemistry is not your friend.

Heh, here, explain this one goldenville strata.  That's 16,500 feet of sedimentary rock and in places it goes to 29,000 feet of hardened sedimentary rock.

Just for reference, that's a little more than 5 miles of compacted and lithified sedimentary rock.  So, your Flood has to carry all of that material (since there is no pre-Flood strata and the Earth was carved all the way down to the mantle).  

Tell me all about the saltwater aquarium system on the Ark?  As someone who keeps saltwater fish and corals, you have a lot of very delicate creatures that require very specific conditions and there is absolutely no way that they could survive in a global flood.  Therefore they were on the ark.

Would like to talk about the epigenetics that results in river dolphins, manatees, orcas, and blue whales all arising from the same 'kind' that was small enough to fit on the ark in a mere 6000 years (which, BTW is less time than scientists say that dogs have been diversifying... and they are all still the same species).  

Actually that's a pretty good question... why are dogs still dogs? You creationists keep saying that dogs aren't an example of evolution because they are still dogs.  But your system suggests that diversity is extremely rapid.  Such that, given some changes, why haven't dogs diversified radically in a few thousand years (yes, the history of several breeds goes back a long way).  So, why did they stop?

Would you care to tackle the epigenetics of flounder, clown fish, angler fish, and sea horses?  How about large polyp stony corals, small polyp stony corals, jellies, and medusa?  Are those one kind or multiple kinds?  How do you know?  

Seriously, just admit that there is no way that the Flood or the Ark could have happened and walk away.   It will feel very good to quit lying to yourself.

edit to add the obligatory: What exploded?  What do scientists say exploded?[/quote]
People with common sense and the guts to not conform to silly pantheism dont say manatees and orcas are the same kind and You have no proof whatsoever that this evolution has occurred even after billions of dollars of experimentation. Dogs breeds have diversified quickly due to inbreeding a diversity of wild and domestic dogs. All animals share the same genes yet your priest del academia cant even turn a bear into a dog.

Likewise, your isochrons are based on psuedocalibrations that dont exists and probably why JonF refuses to answer my long question about There are countless cases of discordance. Any concordance can easily be explained by the integrity and psuedoscience exemplified by Pand's thumb forum--a microcsm of evolutionary thought.

So you had to have a proto-manatee AND a proto-orca on the ark as separate kinds.

I think that's the most information we've EVER gotten about a kind.

What about the jelly, SPS, LPS, medusa?  Is that multiple kids or one kind?

How about the trout, flounder, clownfish, seahorse?  multiple kinds or one kind?

Just out of curiosity, was the proto-manatee a salt (a-la Trichechus manatus or freshwater only (a-la Trichechus inunguis) or is that an epigenetic change?  What about the Dugong dugon and the Hydrodamalis gigas?  Are those the same kind as the manatees or are they different?

So, a single manatee eats about 10% of its body mass per day.  When born a baby masses about 30 kilos, a full adult can range from 500 kilos to over 1700 kilos.  Let's assume that Noah took juveniles that are not full grown, but would be when about the time they disembarked... I'll be generous and say 100 kilos.  So a pair is eating 20 kilos of plant material per day (assuming that they don't grow during the trip).

That's 20*365 = 7300 kilos or 7 metric tons of fresh plant matter over the year long ark 'journey'.  

That is just one 'kind' and, for all intents and purposes, not a very important 'kind'.

BTW: Just out of curiosity, what do you say exploded to cause the Big Bang and what do scientists say exploded to cause the Big Bang?    

The really sad part is it takes less than 5 seconds to look this up, but he won't do it, because it will instantly show him he is WRONG... can't have that.  Like the old saying, "It is better to remain silent and be thought an idiot than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt."

Ignored by those who can't provide evidence for their claims.

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