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Schroedinger's Dog

Posts: 1692
Joined: Jan. 2009

(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 29 2011,11:08   

Quote (Roland Anderson @ Nov. 29 2011,18:05)
Quote (Schroedinger's Dog @ Nov. 29 2011,10:55)
Since I'm a very kind and patient man, I'll try to parse this.

This is a derail. I asked you what *you* don't like about it, not what I do or don't like about it. You are consistently trying to dodge the question.

I answered: "For me, someone endorsing that most men are rapist-wannabes or that any male accused of rape is guilty until proven innocent is just, well, WRONG!"


I am not saying everything on Pharyngula is wonderful, or that everyone there is right or wrong or anything. I am asking you to 1) back up your statement that fundamentalist feminists post there, and 2) whether or not there is any fundamentalist feminism going on there or anywhere, what it is you don't like about the posts you quote.

Again with the Tis'Himself quote, never challenged by any regulars.


Also, please produce a quotation from someone on Pharyngula asserting that most men are rapist-wannabes or that any male accused of rape is guilty until proven innocent. Note that you will also need to show that these quotations, once you produce them, were generally approved of by the regular commentariat in order to ascribe these opinions to "Pharyngula" as a whole.

Have you ever been to Pharyngula before?!?

You're saying that the quote from 'Tis Himself, which I understand is this one:

Would one of you guys pretending the cartoon isn’t sexist please show how it supports women? Come on, you’re all so sure it’s not sexist, so give us some evidence it’s pro-women. Or are you all too intellectually dishonest to deny your male privilege?

means "most men are wannabe rapists and any male accused of rape is guilty till proven innocent"?

Please can you explain your reasoning?

Once again, I don't feel my question has been answered. It's because you said the thing you don't like about Pharygula is that people there say most men are wannabe rapists and any male accused of rape is guilty till proven innocent, and that's wrong. Well saying that is wrong, so I'd like you to show me where the Pharyngulites say this and are supported in so doing.

Mmmmhhh... Where have I said that?

"Hail is made out of water? Are you really that stupid?" Joe G

"I have a better suggestion, Kris. How about a game of hide and go fuck yourself instead." Louis

"The reason people use a crucifix against vampires is that vampires are allergic to bullshit" Richard Pryor

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