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Posts: 458
Joined: Oct. 2011

(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 07 2011,11:58   

Quote (Tracy P. Hamilton @ Nov. 07 2011,11:38)
I need to put in what forestero is responding to, it seems he felt it unimportant:

OgreMKV said
Has my body had the same force during all of my lifetime? WTF? I may have changed my weight but I don't think that that "changes" the force of gravity, for example.

forastero replied
Being that gravity is a geometric property of space and time, your weight is relative to exactly when and where you happen to be sitting

Moi said
Oh dear, this is not what is meant by a change in a fundamental force, which any self aware IDiot should know.

So forastero doubles down on the IDiocy...

Quote (forastero @ Nov. 07 2011,11:08)
Tracy, there is a solar constant too but even your Ogre agrees solar forces have gone through "lowered radiative output". Moreover, no one has yet to quote me saying or indicating that "laws" change so they are just playing semantics; but the interpretation of laws are modified and Einstein's expansion on Newton's Law of Gravity is a case in point.

Apparently you do not understand what constant means.

The solar constant is an integration of the electromagnetic spectrum (which produces a single number) that can be used in place of using the distribution of electromagnetic radiation. In other words, the mathematical meaning of constant in integration, not a constant of nature.

The universal law of gravitation has equations and constants, so a change in the "force" could be a change in the fundamental constant without a change in the mathematical expression, so all that is required is quoting you saying that fundamental forces have changed:

Then you insisted that no fundamental forces in our universe have changed over time and I countered with:

-Uniformitarianism is pseudoscience because in reality our sun is dying, the earths rotational spin is slowing, Lunar rotations are dissipating, ocean currents are slowing, the earth's internal heat is cooling, tectonics is slowing, star migration is slowing, the magnetic field is weakening, the hydrologic cycle is drying up, oceanic tides are weakening, fruits and vegetables of today have lost large percentages of their mineral content over the last 50 years, bones are becoming less dense, etc.......

Which of course are not fundamental forces, but we already you knew were an IDiot before that.


First off, you are confusing Kristine with Ogre

Second of all, I didnt define solar "constant" but rather compared the term with gravitational "constant" in order to reveal that the term didnt mean that there were were no changes in force.

Thus, more semantic straws

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