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Tracy P. Hamilton

Posts: 1239
Joined: May 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 04 2011,14:26   

Quote (David Holland @ Nov. 03 2011,19:59)
I'm curious. To most of us the Cambrian is a period of time. To you it seems to be something different but I'm not sure what. I think, from some of what you have said, that you are referring to a single fossil bed. Could you explain what Cambrian means when you use the term?

{Blah, blah blah by forastero snipped}

Quote (David Holland @ Nov. 03 2011,19:59)
I'm sorry, did you answer the question?  I'll make it simpler for you: multiple choice.

Q. Do you believe the Cambrian is a period of time?

a) yes
b) no

I realize that you don't actually want to be pinned down on anything because you have no idea what you're talking about.  But answering questions that have simple answers with rambling monologues does you no favors (I know, you think it does.  You're wrong.).

So, how about it?  Yes?  Or no?

Quote (forastero @ Nov. 04 2011,01:35)

I clearly indicated that it was not a specific era but rather a eco zone

What kind of "eco zone"?  Is it one that exists today?  If so, I can go to the Cambrian without a time machine - cool!

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