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Posts: 458
Joined: Oct. 2011

(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 03 2011,18:12   

Quote (rossum @ Nov. 03 2011,16:32)
Quote (forastero @ Nov. 03 2011,16:13)
Wow! I always heard that the Buddhist big wigs considered Jesus a great prophet but I didnt know that their scriptures cited him and Abraham as arrogant

You heard wrong.  Buddhism doesn't do prophets, we leave that to the Abrahamic religions.  Jesus is normally considered to be a Bodhisattva.  Abraham we don't think about much, since we ignore most of what he said.  All the best bits were repeated by Jesus anyway, and being prepared to make a human sacrifice of your own child to appease a bloodthirsty god is definitely un-Buddhist behaviour.  It is YHWH we see as arrogant, claiming to be what he isn't.

{list of Buddhists doing unwise actions}

Yes, some Buddhists fall short of the standards they should be following.  So?  People of all religions, and of none, do sometimes fall short of moral standards.  Timothy McVeigh was American, does that mean all Americans are morally wrong and that no moral person can be an American?  No, I don't think so either.


Oh yes Buddhist do have so called Messianic prophesies

Adi Da was suggested by his devotees to be Maitreya: "an All-Surpassing God-Man yet to come -- a final Avatar, the ultimate Messiah, a consumate Prophet or Enlightened Sage, a Spiritual Deliverer who will appear in the 'late-time', the 'dark' epoch when humanity is lost, apparently cut off from Wisdom, Truth and God. Buddhists call that Expected One 'Maitreya'." [19]  Carolyn Lee. "Adi Da: The Promised God-Man Is Here: The Ruchira Sannyasin Order of Adidam Ruchiradam:” Jesus within Buddhism. It has been suggested that within Mahayana Buddhism the legendary Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara developed out of Jesus having been in Tibet and India. 44 For one reason, this bodhisattva is thought to have reached his earliest known (legendary) form around the second or third century C.E.,45 which timing is appropriate for the hypothesis. For another reason, the book by Professor John Holt of Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine, suggests that the origins of the Avalokitesvara cult was in northwest India in the second century.46
The Kalachakra Tantra contains the prophecy of a holy war between Buddhists and so-called "barbarian" Muslims (Skt. mleccha).

In accordance with a prophecy in the Sutra on Magical Perception, Padmakara transformed himself into the monk Wangpo Dey in order to convert King Ashoka. Having established Ashoka in unshakable faith, during a single night he erected in this world one million stupas containing the relics of the Tathagata. He also subdued several non-Buddhist teachers, was poisoned by one king but remained unharmed. When he then was thrown into the river he made the river flow upstream and danced about in mid-air. Through that he became known as Powerful Garuda Youth.

The Buddha gave him this prophecy: "Many aeons ago you were the gelong Chöchi Lodro. Now you are Zipji Muchee, and in a future life you will become Buddha Amitabha." For thousands of millions of years Zipji Muchee practised the Dharma. He vowed that he would not achieve buddhahood until every being who prayed to be in his buddha-realm could be born there. Eventually his wishing-prayer was fulfilled, and he became Amitabha. The buddha-realm he manifested is known as Déwachen. Ten aeons/kalpas have passed since Amitabha established that realm.

Timothy McVeigh was just one agnostic who confessed: "science is my religion".  Buddhism is violent in essence and influences many. Oh and another reason tantric rituals are kept secret is because often involve casting spells

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