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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 3, The Beast Marches On...< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 6436
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 31 2011,13:49   

Quote (JohnW @ Aug. 31 2011,18:42)
Quote (JLT @ Aug. 31 2011,10:10)
Quote (Louis @ Aug. 31 2011,17:02)
I think my point is along the lines of "we have so much to beat them up with, why bother doing something like this which if it doesn't cross the line, is approaching it?".

My thoughts exactly.


We're smarter than them, better-educated than them, and all the evidence is in our favour.

However, I'm not going to lose any sleep about photos of Gordon Gobshite when they're already publicly available and he uses his own name all the time on a blog he links to from UD.  It's not like he's a Baylor regent and someone's posting his address and phone number.

I'll sleep like a baby thanks!

You're absolutely right about the Baylor thing. A few (easily accessible) photos are a trivial nonsense compared to that egregious piece of assholery. But why engage the IDCists on that spectrum of assholery at all? Why give them (however feeble) grist for their paranoid mills? After all, we all rightly decried the Baylor Regent incident.

Like I said, go to it, I'm not claiming to be right, hell I'm probably wrong, it just makes me uncomfortable. A comedy Dembski sweater pic is one thing, it is after all a public photo of a self aggrandising public figure, posting photos of someone who (however unpleasant and incompetent) explicitly requests you don't skirts close to doing exactly the same things those bozos do.

All through this the subtext of those in "support" (because I'm hardly strongly against it now am I?) of posting KF's photos is that these people are somehow fair game for one reason or another. Either it's their own hypocrisy, their own double standards, their bigotry, their odiousness, their own incompetence at maintaining their pseudonymity, whatever. This subtext raises my hackles a little, it makes me  suspicious and uncomfortable. It's a terrible justification for actions because it can so swiftly be turned on anyone. It's not grounded in the whole picture. It's pretty easy to vilify the opposition, especially when they are as odious as KF is, and to be frank I'm much less worried about the harm it does to KF (zilch to zilch and a tiny bit) than I am the harm it does to us (probably zilch, though I'm not sure) to be seen to be slumming it with the worst of them.

Meh, like I've said, I'm likely wrong and happy to be so. However I sure as shit know I'd rather exist as part of a community where such disagreements, mild to non-existent though they are, can occur as opposed to the "Big Tent" of bitchiness and backbiting.



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