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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 3, The Beast Marches On...< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 31 2011,03:18   

Quote (CeilingCat @ Aug. 31 2011,05:14)
Quote (Louis @ Aug. 30 2011,13:37)
Quote (JLT @ Aug. 30 2011,18:05)
Now Eric is going after chemistry.

Yeah, that is a good one. One angle I’ve come up with so far is the idea of self organization within chemistry. According to ID, there isn’t really such a thing as self organization, since the information for the “emergent” structures is already implicit in the original chemical state. So, at the very least, it is a good caution for chemists to not put any stock in the concept of self organization.





That is a case of mind bending fractal wrongness. I mean where, just WHERE, do you start with that claim? It's so incredibly wrong on every level that it's causing me physical pain.

Apart from the usual questions like "where's the information stored?" and "how are you measuring that?" that stump IDCists so they get all sweaty, there are far bigger issues to overcome with this piece of ass-hattery.

Take one of my favourite examples, the Soai reaction. I'd love an IDCist to tell me where the asymmetric information is coming from, i.e. where it's pre-stored. Hell, that might be too complicated, let's go simpler. Where's the structure of a snowflake encoded into a molecule of water? Where are phonons in the molecules that make up a crystal lattice before they have formed a lattice? Where's the 3D structure of a protein in a molecule of alanine?

Bear in mind, IDCists and their ilk, I'm not asking what chemical properties affect the formation of these more complex items, that I know and that everyone knows, but claiming that there is information encoded/implicit in the original chemical state is a very VERY different claim. What is that chemical state, for example? The rotational energy of the molecule? Its electronic configuration? Its temperature? All of them? None of them?

GAH these horseshit peddlers are annoying. Bring on KF's bloodbath, at least that will provide light relief.



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