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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 3, The Beast Marches On...< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Texas Teach

Posts: 2084
Joined: April 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 24 2011,18:14   

Quote (Louis @ Aug. 24 2011,14:23)
Quote (Lou FCD @ Aug. 24 2011,17:17)

OChem looks way more fun than General Chem, and OChem was the class about which I have been most concerned. So that's good news.

Good to hear all is well. Organic chemistry IS more fun that general chemistry.

No I'm not biased as all hell. Why do you ask? ;-)

If you ever want organic chem related chats/advice you know where I am. Just remember 99%* of organic chemistry students hate it, don't get it and despair at the sheer volume of crap they are asked to apparently memorise when they first encounter it. It gets better. Usually a few years in, after beating your head against a wall repeatedly and several messy suicide attempts, a magical light pops on in your head and you get it.**

Of course if you do what the vast majority of organic chemistry students don't do, you'll get it in about 3 weeks and can then relax in a bar. The secret is to grasp about 5 or 6 basic principles and forget about memorising huge swathes of shite. The problem is working out which 5 or 6 principles! ;-)

Of course, for a reasonable fee, I can be relied upon to {ahem} illuminate you. In fact seeing as you are a friend, I'll do it for nothing, plus modest expenses of course.***


* I may be underselling the precise percentage a little.

** I may be making it sound easier than it is.

*** I find my best and most accurate thinking is done on my own private, luxury, tropical island resort surrounded by a bevvy of willing, morally adventurous and nubile young ladies.****

**** When I say "find" what I actually mean is "suppose" and/or "fervently wish".

As one of those inorganic types who did not care for most of organic I can say that the problem in many cases is that organic professors don't take Louis' advice.  They were taught organic as a series of memorizations with no underlying theory, and they will teach it the same way, pedagogy be damned.  

That said, the little organic spectroscopy course I took was great.  It saved me considerable angst during the lab final as I ran the spectra first (most everyone else did it last) and then ran just the qualitative tests I needed to use to confirm my interpretation of those.

"Creationists think everything Genesis says is true. I don't even think Phil Collins is a good drummer." --J. Carr

"I suspect that the English grammar books where you live are outdated" --G. Gaulin

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