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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 3, The Beast Marches On...< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 3668
Joined: Oct. 2009

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 19 2011,09:38   

Quote (Ftk @ Aug. 19 2011,09:00)
Quote (OgreMkV @ Aug. 19 2011,08:46)
Quote (Ftk @ Aug. 19 2011,08:43)
Quote (Kristine @ Aug. 19 2011,08:38)
Quote (Ftk @ Aug. 19 2011,08:35)
Quote (Richardthughes @ Aug. 19 2011,08:10)
I can't help it. I LOLed:

Gads...which one of you lunatics authors that blog?  As if anyone would claim it.

Nads, it's just a metaphor. ;)

If I were kairosfocus, that blog would scare me.  Lots of crazy bs directed at him.  Whomever that is better be careful how directed and nasty they get.  We all know what happened to Mabus.

because mocking is exactly the same as threatening to execute people

Shall we count how many Christians and pro-ID folks are demanding deaths of people and compare to how many atheists and scientists are demanding deaths of people?

Do you really want to go there?

Oh, folks are as crazy as we are...the whole damn world is nuts, imho.  But, fer sure, whomever wrote that blog has a few screws loose.  He/she averaged about 4 blogs a day in July.  Can you say obsessed?  Serious hater.  Needs Jesus :p

Just sayin'.

FTK, I'm sorry, but you appear to be delusional.  I guess unwavering support of your religion has blinded you to what the people that you are associated with are doing.

That's a shame.  "Whatever is done in the name of Jesus is OK", is that it.

If it's the truth, why do you have to lie to support it?

I can pull up page after page of religious people of every stripe using their religion as a basis for deaths of Jews, gays, children, women, and people of any other faith.  I can pull up page after page of lies that people of religion create to support that religion in history, science, politics, economics, weather, medicine, and everything else under the sun.

But all of that is OK with you, because they are your brothers and sisters in Christ.

If you don't appreciate this characterization, then perhaps you should look very closely at who you associated yourself with as a Christian.

Now, I must also reject your assertion that non-Christians are the same.  I fully agree that there are people who, IMPO, are not acting correctly as atheists and even as scientists.

However, they are not basing their statements on anything but personal opinion.  The religious people I've mentioned are basing their hatreds and bigotry on their religion (your religion).  They are making specific claims that 'Jesus loves nukes' and 'Being gay makes Jesus cry'.  

By association, you agree with those people.  I've made some Catholic friends of mine mad at me because they support the rape of children and illegal hiding of criminals.  They do this because some of the money they pay to their church is being used to pay-off victims of sexual abuse cases and being used to move priests engaged in criminal conduct to places where they cannot be tried for that criminal conduct.

If you don't approve of the actions of your church or the leaders of your religion, then you should be really careful about how you associate with them and things like donations.

Like it or not, the normal people, who are good people, for the most part are being led around by a bunch of loud idiots.  And that's the sad part.  Because they are of the same religion, they must accept what these wingnut leaders say without question.

If your preacher put a gun in your hand and said, 'that man is gay, kill him.'  I would like to think you wouldn't do it.  yet preachers ARE preaching that message and people ARE listening to that message.  Whether it be gays, women's rights, abortion, eating babies, whatever.

This inability to react to religious leaders (the 'don't question model') is a sad state of affairs.  And it's the main reason that you people have such a poor reputation with people who can think.  (Well, that and all the lying you support.)

Again, there is a fundamental difference between personal opinion (usually backed up by evidence) and the leader of a religion inciting his people to violence and bigotry based on that religion.  If the majority of the religious had the ability to think critically, then I wouldn't be worried (actually, we wouldn't have this problem anyway), but you don't and I am.

Oh and BTW: No one 'needs' Jesus.  You forget that your religion is not actually based on the church of Jesus, but on the church of Paul.  But I don't expect Christians to understand their own history or to have read the Bible.  

Just sayin'.

Ignored by those who can't provide evidence for their claims.

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