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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 3, The Beast Marches On...< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Sep. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: July 30 2011,13:03   

Quote (Reciprocating Bill @ July 30 2011,10:37)
Quote (Tracy P. Hamilton @ July 30 2011,11:13)
News asks a question:      
Dinobird flap: Why do they care so much how creationists take it?

Because they would misrepresent the science, and people would believe them?  Exhibit A):  News posting quotes from the Nature news article but omitting this because it did not fit her narrative:
Yet in recent years, the discoveries of numerous small, feathery dinosaurs have created a conundrum for palaeontologists, raising questions about which animals are the ancestors of modern birds and which are just closely related cousins.

I recently visited the museum of natural history at Carnegie Mellon. They have an impressive T-Rex, along with a cast of a second T-Rex that resides in a museum elsewhere.

If I got this right, the apparently well-informed docent indicated that a Chinese team working with a specimen that is younger (I think she meant geologically) than those typical of the US southwest is about to publish new findings vis T-Rex itself being feathered.

As an aside, she whipped out a casting of the interior of the brain case of their T-rex, which reveals a brain about the size and shape of a dog turd. Astounding.

I asked her if she gets much creationist push-back on her presentation. She said some, and recounted that another docent overheard a teacher explaining to her students that "everything she just said is a lie." Which prompted them both to wonder, "why are you here?"

The same reason that they watch porn with "disapproval" or look at pics of the Folsom Fair and get outraged: they have no business of their own worth minding, so they mind other people's business, it apparently still being more compelling to them than their own little worlds. Incapable of greatness, they just create a poor imitation of the cultures that they despise, while spouting utopian, apocalyptic sentiments of overthrowing the real world for their fake one.

UD is dead. Do you think the UDlosers are immature now? Wait another three years, after they have been pickling in their bitterness for some time. If Dembski was smart he would shut down UD, because the "rapist" crap is not the lowest they can go. (Falwell started calling all atheists "worse than pedophiles," for example. Frankly, I'm surprised we have not seen any "Evilutionists must all practice bestiality since they think humans are animals" gyrating. Maybe they don't know how to spell it correctly.)

Which came first: the shimmy, or the hip?

AtBC Poet Laureate

"I happen to think that this prerequisite criterion of empirical evidence is itself not empirical." - Clive

"Damn you. This means a trip to the library. Again." -- fnxtr

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