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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 3, The Beast Marches On...< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 5432
Joined: May 2007

(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2011,06:27   

Quote (VentureFree @ May 05 2011,14:18)
Okay, I have to reply to this because of the amazing ignorance on display, and I've long since been banned from UC.

In a post entitled "Atheist philosopher has some questions for anti-ID Catholic biochemist (and recent Darwin prize recipient) Ken Miller", Bradley Monton had the following to say:

"...while theistic scientists could choose to stop investigating the world, and be satisfied with the answer “God did it,” they need not. What theistic scientists can do is investigate questions like: What structure did God choose to give the world?” If they try to answer this question, it follows that they won’t be satisfied with the answer “God did it”; they’ll want to investigate exactly what God did. (pp. 112-13) Moreover, theistic scientists, like everyone else, can continue to ask the question “Is there a naturalistic explanation of this phenomenon?” even if the theistic scientists think that the right explanation is supernatural. As long as theistic scientists are willing to investigate those questions, then science can go on in pretty much the standard way; allowing supernatural hypotheses won’t fundamentally change science. Miller is wrong to say that a theistic science would cease to explore, and thus, Miller’s claim that intelligent design is anti-science doesn’t hold up."

Didn't he just describe Methodological Naturalism in his attempt to refute the idea that Methodological Naturalism is necessary in science?

Including supernatural explanations can be fruitful in science as long as we completely ignore those explanations whenever we want to actually learn something.

Tell me this isn't WAY more meaningful than Newton's original formulation:
Code Sample
cos(r) + 3cF = -cos(r)+ (m/3)(a/c)

See? It's still just as useful as the original, but now it includes all kinds of extra ideas that I just want to include because I like 'em. That's how real science should work, right?

Yeah righteo homo.

Code Sample
cos(r) + 3cF = -cos(r)+ (m/3)(a/c)

Code Sample
cos(KF) + 3CSI = -cos(FRILL)+ (HOMO JOE/3)(Dr.Dr./BeHe)

Without sicko-pants ID can't be true.

It's Tards all teh way down.

"I get a strong breeze from my monitor every time k.e. puts on his clown DaveTard suit" dogdidit
"ID is deader than Lenny Flanks granmaws dildo batteries" Erasmus
"I'm busy studying scientist level science papers" Galloping Gary Gaulin

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