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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 3, The Beast Marches On...< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2011,22:43   

Quote (Seversky @ April 27 2011,20:13)
Quote (Bob O'H @ April 27 2011,14:53)
Nobody seems to have commented here for a bit. Have we all been banninated?

I was skimming through some recent posts on UD when I came across the following from the oleaginous Cordova:

Nick Matzke is the famous former employee of the National Center for Selling Evolution (NCSE). For many years, he has been on the frontlines on the war on ID. His finest hour was at the Dover Trial where he provided a lot of technical support to the ACLU lawyers.

Matzke’s attacks on ID are fundamentally based on misrepresentation, strawman arguments, equivocation, distortions, etc. Well, it seems his way of doing business has finally caught up with him. There is poetic justice in his public humiliation at the hands of fellow Darwinists.

Since poor Matzke seems to be taking flak from both creationists and atheists that would seem to suggest that, far from cozying up to religion, he's actually occupying some sort of middle ground because that's where you tend to get fired on by both sides.

From Creation Ministries International (the Australian remnant of Answers in Genesis), "an article by one Gary Hurd, an antitheistic social scientist, posted on an unsavoury atheist site; {TalkOrigins gh}" ... "Moore’s follow-up here largely follows Hurd as well. This is unfortunately not the first time that Ross or his minions have cited disreputable Christ-haters to attack biblical creationists"

Answers in Genesis sounds a lot like another fat asshole who wrote, But some, like Larry Moran, PZ Myers, Richard Dawkins, Gary Hurd and others, are involved in an entirely different battle. For them, it's not enough to protect science education from the attacks of some religious people; religion itself, in any form, is to be attacked and destroyed by any means necessary.

"Human Ape, AKA bobbyxxxx The only people more retarded than Christian science deniers are the pro-science wimps who suck up to Christians. Hurd is a suck-up who dishonestly pretends Christianity and science are not in conflict with each other, as if the resurrection of the dead Jeebus into a zombie is not anti-science.

Hurd wrote "Militant, atheist evolutionary biologists are every bit as religious as a sweating, hollering young Earth creationist preacher from south Alabama." I did not say this, nor write it. gh

This shows Hurd doesn't even understand the meaning of simple words. He is saying people who are not religious are religious. Hurd is an idiot.

Rapture Ready, You have been banned for the following reason:
Dr. GH

Date the ban will be lifted: Never

So, Ed Brayton, Carl Weiland (AiG), and some anonymous INTERNET jerks join the psychotics at Rapture Ready, Uncommon Descent, CARM, and apparently John Wilkins at disparaging me as a Christ-hating sell-out to Christians, and banning me.  

I am in excellent company.

"Science is the horse that pulls the cart of philosophy."


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