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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 3, The Beast Marches On...< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 35
Joined: Jan. 2010

(Permalink) Posted: April 08 2011,10:52   

Quote (Richardthughes @ April 08 2011,07:31)
Blowhard Gordo declares VICTORY!




5:43 am
And, predictably, Aci vanishes at this point . . .

That's actually the whole comment.

I posted this response to KF and can only wonder what number of words it might generate in response....nothing of substance is expected but predictably there will be much spewage to follow...

My response:
karfo: First, I think you will see that I am not using “80? year old references. But, events with close relatives that were 30+ years ago, are in fact relevant to the issue.

The only fact presented is that you ARE using 80+ yr old references.  You've made nothing but unfounded assertions with no corresponding facts supporting any of your allegations.

karfo:And, no I am not going to give more details [especially on the web] on the health problems faced by a close relative; I have no need to prove my point to you by violating someone’s privacy. Let’s just say, we had no reason to doubt at the time, and dietary adjustments did in fact make a positive difference.

With no details (without mentioning any names, addresses ect0 I can only assume that there is now doubt about the veracity of the diagnosis.

That there are chemical compounds that demostrate estrogenic, androgenic, anti-estrogenic, or anti-androgenic effects is not in question.  Your erronious assertions of the use of growth hormones in poultry production is, however, the point in question.  The International Poultry Council (of which Jamaica is a member) mission it to specifically address the ignorance which continues to be propogated by people like you concerning poultry production.  That you choose to put forward these statements steeped in ignorance rather than actually doing some research is something that all onlookers can easily observe.

Kafo:I do and did acknowledge a misreading above, on GM salmon. Turns out the phrasing was that the “injections” were of genetic nature. As I have corrected with references.

Of course you had to ackowledge your ignorance because I forced you to do some actual research on the issue in order to back up your claims.  You obviously found out how wrong those statements you made were.  

I see you also brought up the use of the explanitory filter.  How about giving us a single worked example of how this metric is used in ID research or is it a concept like CSI that has no rigor and is thus yet another useless metric of ID non-research?

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