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  Topic: Need references for Wiki article on ID, Calling people with too much free time..< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 37
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: May 31 2006,04:28   

When/if you quote that IDEA club statement that ID theory predicts "specified complex information", you should also note that, in "The Design Inference", Dembski points out that a designer can design something that *appears* natural.

IOW, design theory doesn't really predict SCI at all.

I don't have the reference for this, unfortunately-- I just happen to remember it. Of course, this makes my comment utterly unhelpful. Does anyone else out there happen to be able to give a precise reference?

Another claim I can't give a precise reference for: try the last chapter or two of "No Free Lunch". Dembski states a few more predictions of ID there.

I am sorry that I can't provide anything more than vague pointers.

--B. Spitzer

  5 replies since May 30 2006,06:16 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  


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