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  Topic: Official Uncommonly Dense Discussion Thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 147
Joined: Dec. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: May 28 2006,14:22   

[quote=Bob O'H,May 28 2006,02:07][/quote]
For example, it is observed that introns (’junk’ to RM+NS) have Functional Sequence Complexity (FSC) of the same order as human langauge.

Was human language Intelligently Designed?

The argument from incredulity vs. The argument from gullibility is a false comparison in their post.

An argument from incredulty is simply saying, "I can't believe it happened the way you purport simply because I don't believe it, despite the evidence."

As far as an argument from gullibility. Maybe there are people trying to convince you that their theory is absolutely the way something had to happen. Most people, on the other hand, say that here is one plausible scenario backed up by evidence. If you absolutely believe something had to happen, based on very limited evidence, then perhaps you are either being gullible or expressing faith in your beliefs.

Well, there's an interesting delimma. If belief in Darwinism is an argument from gullibility and an expression of faith, then belief in Christianism(ity) must certainly be an argument from gullibility. That would also mean all faith is an argument from gullibility.

Nice going, Bill. You convinced me that you are a very gullible person.

"Right on!"

("It is useless to attempt to reason a man out of a thing he was never reasoned into."--Jonathan Swift)

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