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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 3, The Beast Marches On...< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 702
Joined: Dec. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 21 2011,05:45   

Quote (CeilingCat @ Jan. 21 2011,03:20)
Interesting.  Bully Arrington has a post entitled, ID Does Not Posit Supernatural Causes.  He quickly gets lost talking about Free Will, then mentions Dawkins and Stein, then meanders to a "conclusion" which basically restates the title of his piece.

Then Joseph has a go at it, BA77 gives links  to some videos and brings up "... the Cool Hologram derived from 3-D information on the Turin Shroud:", second opinion gives his opinion, Gordon posts, then posts again and then posts a third time, nullasalus says flat out that "There’s nothing about ID in and of itself which requires talk of miracles or supernatural.", Gordon posts yet again, nullasalus (which is short for "You're all going to burn in Hell if you're not Roman Catholic," by the way) agrees, StephenB agrees with everything, Collin says he's been waiting for this post all his life, and Gordon comes back to tell us, "The real problem is the root issue is that Methodological Naturalism is a front for a priori evolutionary materialism."

Then PaV, bless his soul, tells us about some REAL miracles including The Tilma of Juan Diego.  "According to witnesses, of highly approved character, the image on the Tilma came about in a miraculous way." and "Further, scientific examination of the image could not come up with any way of explaining the image’s origin."

Then StephenB agrees with Bully's "basic point", then apologizes for reposting a previous message with a few modifications, then he tells Gordon that they are just agreeing with each other because they're talking about different aspects of the same problem, then StephenB tells PaV he entirely agrees with his post and that further, if a meteorologist had witnessed Moses parting the water, he could have used scientific methods to conclude that a supernatural event had likely occurred.

Typical UD circle jerk ensues.

Fixed that for you.

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