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  Topic: The "I Believe In God" Thread, You may know him from "Panda's Thumb"...< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Oct. 2009

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 08 2011,17:44   

IBIG, you keep thinking that you pushing 'atheists' killing other to eliminate religion will gloss over THE FACT that CHRISTIANS have killed more people IN THE NAME OF GOD than all the atheists ever.

SO keep telling yourself you are beyond reproach.  Keep telling yourself that you religion and your God are perfect.

You've spent a lot of time while ignoring 2-3 instances of God COMMANDING genocide... ignoring the Crusades... ignoring the killing of Muslims and Jews by Christians for about 2000 years (in some cases).

You can bitch about Stalin being an evil bastard and I'll stand right beside and agree.  If you refuse to bitch about any of those Christians also being evil bastards, then you are a hypocrite... but we knew that already.

I'll finally remind you of some things I've told you before, directly out of your Bible (or what I think is your Bible, since you won't tell me which Bible you use and why you ignore many of the books that are in other Bibles).

"I never knew you" - remember, actions speak louder than words... also, at many revivals this becomes "Don't just talk the talk, but walk the walk."  How many people have you prevented from coming to God because of your arrogance and stupidity?

How can you know that what you experience is God and not another entity talking to you (including you subconscious)?  Because, honestly, I think it is Satan (if he exists) in you instead of God.  You, through your actions in this forum, have done massive harm to the Christian faith.  That can only be caused by Satan... even if you are a Christian... you're actions here are much more reflective of Satan that God.

I encourage you to think on that, but I suspect that Satan will blind you to the truth.

Ignored by those who can't provide evidence for their claims.

  741 replies since Oct. 31 2010,16:04 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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