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  Topic: The "I Believe In God" Thread, You may know him from "Panda's Thumb"...< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Jan. 2008

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 05 2011,20:18   

Quote (prong_hunter @ Jan. 04 2011,18:04)
I.B.I.G. is back!  Thanks for coming to the forum named in your honor.

I've been spending way too much time reading the Bathroom Wall at Panda's Thumb. It's been tedious, but enlightening.

IBIB was the central focus of the BW in 2010.  After thousands of posts, what was IBIG's point?

I think he finally posted it recently on Panda's Thumb, but here it is for those of you who haven't read it.

IBelieveInGod said: "I believe the sole purpose of the scientific claim of Abiogenesis is to imply that there is no God. If one were not to believe in God, and wanted to promote such a view, then creating an unprovable, and unfalsifiable hypothesis that life came to be by natural causes without a Creator would be the way to go about it. Abiogenesis would be a great tool for evangelizing young minds away from believing in God, and turning them into Atheists. Implying God doesn’t exist with an unprovable, and unfalsifiable hypothesis should be prohibited from being taught in public school."

That's what he was trying to convince everyone of, for an entire year. Not interest in hearing counter arguments, he fights science because he feels it exists soley to deny his God. And his fight is holy and his cause is just.

Evidently there's a US patent for abiogenesis, the object of his wrath.

What does that do to your argument IBIG? The government handed out a patent for abiogenesis. It must be real. I guess you were wrong.

IBelieve demonstrates that he hypocritically hates science: if he doesn't hate science, why would he make up a ridiculous story of how the sole purpose of Abiogenesis is to turn children into God-hate atheists?

He's not interested in hearing counter-arguments, he's here to preen and satisfy his ego: Why else would he set up such painfully stupid gotcha games in order to exalt how he worships his own ignorance (which he mistakes for Jesus and God, no less)?  Why else would he lie so much, only to hypocritically turn around and accuse everyone of putting words into his mouth, or screech about how everyone who points out his bullshit is really an evil atheist out to get him?

And then there's how he refuses to explain how saying that God "spoke the laws into existence" is suppose to be science beyond him saying that his "FAITH" tells him so.

He even refuses to explain how God "speaking the laws into existence" is supposed to be different from God magically poofing everything into existence using magic.

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