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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 3, The Beast Marches On...< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 13 2010,14:30   

F/N: Given yet another unfortunately snide insinuation, I need to underscore that the issue with Apple is that it has violated the trust of those who bought a closed computer system.

Google may well have similar ideological views, but an open system is inherently resistant to censorship; like the alphabet we use is pagan in roots [probably invented by some pretty unwholesome Phoenecians . . . human sacrifice and all that], but it is an open system. HP, too — my favourite calculator company [ever since a fondly remembered HP 21 "Hi, Penny, miss you!"] and printer company — has very similar views, but again, it is not so far as I know indulging censorship.

Again, my policy-level objections are to censorship and similar suppressions of freedom of conscience, and to the attempt to irreversibly subvert a foundational and stabilising institution of our civilisation.

KF has to be the most pathetic excuse of a culture warrior I have ever seen.  He suggests boycotting Apple for their censorship of the Manhattan Declaration and recommends using Android (a Google product) instead.  Of course, when it is suggested that he might not like Google's policy that gives explicit endorsement to gay employees civil partnerships, he reacts how?  Well, he gathers up all his righteous indignation and responds "Meh."  He spent that entire thread arguing that gay marriage is part of an effort intent on tearing down Western society and throwing the world into moral chaos and yet he can manage no more than indifference to a large and influential company providing it's support to the radical homosexual agenda? Cho man, do betta dan dat!

It seems more explanatory that KF is completely incapable of admitting error.  The person pointing to Google's policy was San Antonio Rose, one of his more persistent antagonists on that thread.  I can imagine that the only way he feels he can avoid acknowledging that she caught him in either an inconsistency or a moment of ignorance is to pretend that his concern is censorship and that Google's policy of recognizing same sex domestic partnerships is somehow not part of the radical, Yogyakartic, homesexual agenda.
I have a concern for those caught up in an objectively disordered pattern of sexual expression or attraction [including some of my nearest and dearest], but not a hostility to them as people. I hope SAR can stretch her mind enough to understand that.

IIRC, SAR made a smart-ass comment about KF needing to have the last word.  She apparently wasn't going to give him the satisfaction, since she responded to each of his comments.  I would note she has been silent all day, so I have to assume Clive finally checked his email and found that KF needed protection from a "willful, insistent slanderer."

Hey, Gordon?  It am sure it is a horrible affront  having your honor questioned by a little girl. But, it must really sting that only way to be saved from her insults by hiding behind the moderator's skirt.  You really need to man up, dude.

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