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  Topic: Media Theistic Blunder, Its moments like these.< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 846
Joined: April 2005

(Permalink) Posted: May 26 2006,20:14   

Thankfully, no *twitches*

hmm, I may have to torture you with one if i can find the one I'm thinking of.

In it, he instructs young children how to respond to their teachers by saying:

"Were you there?"


I found the actual text of the line he speaks in the video, but haven't found the video itself:

 Now kids, here is what you need to do, when you are in school and some teacher says, "Millions of years ago," just say, "Excuse me teacher, were you there?" They will say, "No, of course I wasn’t there millions of years ago." And say, "Teacher, do you know the earth is millions of years old or do you believe the earth is millions of years old?" See, that is not something you can know. You cannot test it, demonstrate it, prove it; you can only believe it. That is part of your religion, not part of a science. The earth cannot be billions of years old, in spite of all the propaganda to the contrary, it can only be a few thousand years old which we will cover here in just a minute.

and gets the kids to repeat it back with him.

If i find it, make sure you haven't eaten anything, and are not holding any sharp objects when you watch it.

anybody else have the link to that one?

  28 replies since May 26 2006,05:34 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  


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