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  Topic: AFDave Wants You to Prove Evolution to Him< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 766
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: May 25 2006,15:54   

Then you must be an idiot.  Because I'll wager that you read just this kind of stuff in World Book and National Geographic and at the museum and so on when you were a kid and combined with everything else you learned about evolution, you came to the conclusion that the Bible is a fairy tale and there is no need for a Creator God because look ...

If you really must know, learning evolution had nothing to do with me "losing my faith" (if a 9 year old can have faith).  It was simply lack of evidence (no prayers answered, never any miracles occurring, etc.).  And lack of evidence is still the reason for my atheism.  I don't remember if I'd learned about evolution yet.  Definitely knew a lot about dinosaurs at the time, though.

"Why waste time learning, when ignorance is instantaneous?" -Calvin

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