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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 3, The Beast Marches On...< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: July 2006

(Permalink) Posted: July 22 2010,17:08   

Quote (madbat.089 @ July 22 2010,16:49)
witness a priceless exchange, in the course of which kairofocus exposes his home-cooked information-theoretical-proofs-for-failure-of-Darwinism for the BS they are:

It starts with a really good question by above:


I’ve been following a lot of your arguments pertaining to the importance of information theory in biology and the problems it creates for darwinism.

After going over some of your points at:
I did some internet searches on the subject and run into this site:
Where certain individuals are trying to attack the arguments made by Gitt, Dembski and Spetner.

I’m starting to get an understanding of the general idea behind this issue about information but I sometimes lack some backround in regards to the specifics of information theories wanted to hear your oponion about the objections made by these people on talkorigins. Are they valid?

Shame on you, above, don't you know that kairofocus can't be bothered to respond to criticism of bogus theories that he advocates:

I would not give TalkOrigins the time of day, and anyone who cites it as an authoritative source is at best ill advised, at worst ill intentioned.

On information systems, if you do not have the mathematical background to follow the arguments and the related ones in thermodynamics [especially statistical form] I would suggest you use a bit of common sense.

Aahh, if you would only take your own advice, KF!
But of course, his feeble attempts at that turn out to be of no avail either: the application of KF's version of common sense leads him to this immediately following suggestion:

Get a set of Scrabble letters. Shake up the bag, and line up the little rests, putting letters one by one left to right until they were all used up. Does the result make sense as a sentence?

Ahahahahahahaha! To say it with above's words:
Thanks for the help Kairosfocus. I really appreciate you taking the time on several occasions to explain things. You have an interesting and effective way of simplifying complex issues to help others gain a better understanding of the subject matter.

....just a minor adjustment needed there: "You have an interesting and effective way of simplifying complex issues into meaningless nonsense and wildly irrelevant analogies to help others realize your complete lack of understanding of the subject matter."

Thanks kairofocus!!!


I also mentioned that He'd have to give me a thorough explanation as to *why* I must "eat human babies".

if there are even critical flaws in Gauger’s work, the evo mat narrative cannot stand
Gordon Mullings

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