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  Topic: AFDave Wants You to Prove Evolution to Him< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Chris Hyland

Posts: 705
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: May 25 2006,08:29   

I submit to you that if you don't think evolutionists think that antibiotic resistant bacteria lend support to macroevolutionary theory (which some people pretend they don't know what we're talking about with this term), then you are simply lying.  It's plain as day in the popular literature which in turn is based on information from scientists like you.
You seem to be under some kind of weird impression that each piece of evidence to support evolution must singularly conclusively prove that humans evolved from bacteria. Im afraid it doesn't work like that, is isn't as simple as you think it should be. Drug resistant bacteria are one of the many pieces of evidence for evolution as they demonstrate mutation, selection and adaptation. Every time you talk about a piece of evidence you act like this is the only evidence we have. Your conclusions seem to be based on twisting some things we say and ignoring others, and so I pity the children you are telling these things to.

  517 replies since April 17 2006,14:08 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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