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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 3, The Beast Marches On...< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Venus Mousetrap

Posts: 201
Joined: Aug. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2010,10:09   

Quote (dvunkannon @ June 21 2010,09:49)
Quote (Venus Mousetrap @ June 21 2010,08:46)
Take your calculations of complexity for example. For people who are obsessed with tiny bio-machines, you don't actually study machinery at all. You study brute force combinations of molecules. It's a bit like claiming to have written a chess-playing program when all it's doing is checking each of the 10^120 possible games of chess each move. That has nothing to do with how chess is actually played.

Actually, the ID reasoning is closer to this:

The number of possible chess games is 10^10^50. If every particle in the universe played a complete game in Planck interval for the entire history of the universe, only a vanishingly small number of games could be played compared to the total number of games. Therefore it is impossible for a computer to play chess.

So I was a little off with the chess games figure then :)

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