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  Topic: Walter D. Wright's thread, pre-programmed and other theories of evo< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 1961
Joined: May 2007

(Permalink) Posted: June 08 2010,04:18   

Walter, you probably won't read this but anyway, just in case:

You struck me as somewhat like an elephant barging into a china store.

In short, your strategy was absolutely disastrous.

A better strategy that might work better for you in future forays into the evil world of science would be to cut down on the crap, make at least your initial message(s) short and to the point. Just state your position, your intentions, and maybe ask a couple of questions about basic, fundamental issues.

It was - and is - most unwise to come charging with a chip on your shoulder, declaring that according to you personal opinion, 150 years of science is only so much bullshit.

I wish you better luck in the future, unless you are too stubborn to learn & take sound advice, but it is, as they say, your own funeral.  (With English not being my language, I may not always get my metaphors right.)

EDIT: A couple of hours later after I have been using the time to think while mowing the lawn:

I told you I am  
I am not much except an old fellow who spent a lifetime trying to learn and understand as much as possible of the universe and mankind.

and feel like asking: Do you spend any time trying to learn and understand?

What I conceive as a fundamental difference between you and the rest of us here, is that it seems you don't do anything to verify your "knowledge". Your dead wrong statements about carbon comes to mind.

Whether you decide that your goodbye was final or not, here then is what I try to do all the time - and what I recommend that you do too:

I check my facts.

I started typing distribution of elements and Google obligingly offered a number of choices, of which I chose in the universe and got 6 600 000 results.

I offer just #4 What Is the Most Abundant Element?

What Is the Most Abundant Element?

Answer: The most abundant element in the universe is hydrogen, which makes up about 3/4 of all matter! Helium makes up most of the remaining 25%. Oxygen is the third most abundant element in the universe. All of the other elements are relatively rare.

Ignorance may be overcome, but stupidity is incurable.

Rocks have no biology.
              Robert Byers.

  56 replies since June 06 2010,04:53 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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