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  Topic: AFDave Wants You to Prove Evolution to Him< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 1082
Joined: April 2005

(Permalink) Posted: May 24 2006,07:29   

Nah. Don't ban him. I don't think it's against the rules to be impervious to facts and logic. And, in a way, I agree with him that this whole exercise is to help him educate the public. For instance, after I asked him countless times to provide the creationist answer to this explanation of the Vitamin C gene defect data:      
The "Darwinist" position is that [genetic] errors creep in if they're not pruned by selection, and are inherited down through the family tree, leaving an imprinted geneology.
after dodging the question so many times it became embarrassing, even to afd, he cut'n'pasted this:      
It may be that the nested hierarchy of living things simply is a reflection of divine orderliness.  It also may be, as Walter ReMine suggests, that nested hierarchy is an integral part of a message woven by the Creator into the patterns of biology.  (See, e.g., ReMine, 367-368, 465-467.)  The point is that the hierarchical nature of life can be accommodated by creation theory as readily as by evolution.  Accordingly, “[i]t is not evidence for or against either theory.” (Brand, 155.)
It's stunning enough that he thinks that's an explanation at all. He even goes on to say it's a better explanation than the evolutionary one!

Now if that doesn't educate the public as to the quality of creationist thought, I don't know what will.

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.

  517 replies since April 17 2006,14:08 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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