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  Topic: Can you do geology and junk the evolution bits ?, Anti science.< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 29
Joined: Dec. 2009

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 30 2010,03:49   

Quote (Robert Byers @ Mar. 30 2010,10:11)
Quote (Bjarne @ Mar. 24 2010,03:39)
Quote (Robert Byers @ Mar. 24 2010,10:10)
Quote (afarensis @ Mar. 20 2010,09:35)
Meanwhile, over at The Panda's Thumb Byers undermines his argument:

In any issue of determining if old bones are of humans and not apes there is a clue. The bible teaches that women uniquely have great pain at childbirth. Animals do not. This is a great anatomical reality of our women’s skeleton and so if there is a female hobbit one just needs to examine, if possible, whether she had pain at childbirth by looking at her skeleton. If so we got a daughter of Adam. if not we got a dumb old monkey.

So we can tell the difference between "monkey" and human by looking at reproduction, but not marsupial and placental?

Reproduction can be different and yet not is evidence of segregated kinds.
Snakes can bear live young or by eggs yet they are still snakes.
With people there is a express intervention in nature by God to make a difference in reproduction. Animals are not affected.

Please, do you have any concrete idea, how snakes give birth? You might see that the difference between vivipary (actually ovivivipary in snakes) and ovipary is minuscule.
The difference between placental and marsupial reproduction on the other hand is less so.

And Mr.Byers, how are proteins produced in cells, if DNA does not do what we think it to do?

As I understand it. Some snakes deliver with eggs and some by live birth. The latter even have placental or close. In fact I was told this by evolution folks.

If I am not totally mistaken, viviparous snakes are actually ovoviviarous. This means, that the already eggs breed on their way through the mothers body.
As far as I know, they do not have a placenta (a placenta is only found in  the clade Eutheria) , nor something close to it.
Thus all it takes to develop ovovivipary in a oviparous animal is  the eggs to be retained in the mother's body for a longer period of time. This is everything, but a drastic change.

And Mr.Byers, would you be so kind to explain how proteins are produced in cells? After all, according to your statements , they are not produced the way we do thing them to be produced.

  1350 replies since Sep. 08 2009,09:59 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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