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  Topic: Methodological Naturalism, What is it? What are the alternatives?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Reciprocating Bill

Posts: 4265
Joined: Oct. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 24 2010,06:38   

Too quick to be entirely coherent, but I'm outta time:

Given that you define the boundary between ultimate reality and the imaginary relative to possible human discovery (e.g., as limited by horizons such as the light cone from earth), it seems to me that there may be other equally insurmountable horizons of other kinds. For example, there may be cognitive horizons, beyond which lie events and processes that are inexpressible and unimaginable in any human language or other representational system of which humans are capable of using, mathematical or otherwise, individual or collective, and will forever remain so.

Is there difficulty in positing that there may be "real" phenomena that lie beyond such an horizon, and hence will remain forever and inherently undiscovered? If not, is not your definition tied too closely to what human beings can discover? Our cognitive powers are evolutionarily contingent, after all.

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- David Foster Wallace

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  46 replies since Feb. 08 2010,22:32 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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