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  Topic: IS empiricism a natural part of pattern recognitio< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Thought Provoker

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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 04 2010,11:50   


I'm enjoying our conversation.  I hope you are too.  I'm trying not to be too frustrating but I want to explore our differences.  That usually involves a little provoking.  No offense intended or taken on my part.

Quote (BWE @ Mar. 03 2010,20:40)

Quote (BWE @ Mar. 03 2010,17:17)
Also, mathematical continuums are fundementally not the same as physical continuums. A physical continuum, no matter how good your measurement system, always has the problem of measurement where at some point, A=B, B=C and A<C. Zeno's paradox is answered in a physical continuum because at some point achilles ends up at B.

This is a major difference between digital and analog signal processing.

The difference between a mathematical, digital continuum and a physical, analog continuum is noise.

That is a ridiculous statement. No offense intended but if you think the only difference between the map and the terrain is noise you are going to need to take several steps backwards to get back on track.
or putting it another way, mathematical continuums are in no way whatsofuckingever the same as physical continuums. One is the map the other is the landscape.

It may be appropriate to bring the following into the conversation...

For those unfamiliar with this famous painting...

When is it the model of reality and when is it reality itself?  The Matrix movies explored this meme.  If Strong AI wins the day, then a conscious algorithm running inside a digital computer is just as real as a consciousness running inside an organic computer.

If this digital computer also runs mathematical algorithms simulating reality, then for all intents and purposes it is a form of reality itself.

Quantum Mechanical experiments pretty much show that our universe is a plank scale digital computer.  There is no such thing as particles, everything is a wavefunction (i.e. mathematical algorithm).

So what differentiates this mathematical, digital continuum from the physical, analog continuum?

You guessed it, noise in the form of quantum uncertainty.

  72 replies since Feb. 23 2010,07:04 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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