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  Topic: IDC != AntiEvolution?, Discuss...< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 3668
Joined: Oct. 2009

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 03 2010,08:44   

Quote (Joe G @ Mar. 03 2010,06:54)
Quote (OgreMkV @ Mar. 02 2010,11:32)

I'll type this slowly: are YOU ever going to put forth some evidence for ID, on this here forum?  (Hint CTRL-C and CTRL-V are not evidence.)

Please use your words (minus the cursing, peer-reviewed journals frown on calling the editor 'dickhead').


I take it that you are too ignorant to follow the links I provided.

Not my problem asshole.

But anyway are YOU ever going to put forth some positive evidence to support your position?

For example how can we test the premise that the bacterial flagellum "evolved" via an accumulation of genetic accidents?

Prediction confirmed.

Thanks Joe.  You know, you really aren't helping your case at all.  This viscious attitude is just making you look like a complete loser.  All I'm asking is that you spend a few minutes to type up the answers to my questions... which directly involve intelligent design.

Your refusal to do so (instead launching a diatribe against me) just indicates that you don't have any support and you know it.  Of course, we've known it for decades, just having confirmation from you is icing.


1) Do you have any evidence to support any proposition put forth by ID?
2) What is a testable, falsifiable hypothesis for ID? (remember, your previous attempt wasn't testable or falsifiable)
3) When did the designed last act?
4) What value and unit is the specified complexity for an organism measured in?  Why?

Can you answer these questions or not?  I don't want a youtube link.  I don't want a link to what someone else writes.  I want to know what you think.

You've obviously got some serious emotional attachment to the idea of ID.  I want to know why.  What about ID has got you so fired up that you can't even generate a response to some simple (even basic) questions about your 'theory'?

Dude, these are honest questions.  I'm sorry if you can't see that.  But don't you see that your attitude is really hurting you cause?

Or is it just more fun to curse at people than actually hold an adult conversation?

Ignored by those who can't provide evidence for their claims.

  178 replies since Feb. 24 2010,09:34 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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