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  Topic: AF Dave Has More Questions About Apes, Creation/Evolution Debate< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: May 22 2006,10:33   

Quote (afdave @ May 22 2006,14:58)
I know you responded to my claim of 'no hominid civilizations' but I don't agree that some bones and cave writing is evidence for this.  My contention is that if apes and humans have a common ancestor, there should be lots of 'beetle brow civilizations' all over the earth with half ape-men who grunt a lot and have a simple language and are at some stage between chimps and humans.  These 'people' should be living today if evolution were true

Dave, Dave, Dave.

Taxonomically speaking, hominidae is an extremely sparse clade (compare it to, say, beetles, or ants). There are only half a dozen species of great apes. Humans aside, it's not a very successful group of organisms. Of the half-dozen great apes currently extant, only one has come up with a civilization (and it remains to be seen just how successful an experiment that turns out to have been). And in case you haven't noticed, all but one of the dozens of hominid species that have ever existed are now extinct. If they still existed, who knows? Maybe some of them might have been smart enough (or dumb enough) to come up with a civilization. Here in reality, they didn't get the chance.

Now, Dave, can you explain to us why evolution predicts lots of different hominid civilizations? Because I don't see how any civilization, anywhere, is a logical consequence of evolutionary thinking. It's probably entirely accidental that there's civilization, let alone multiple civilizations, here on earth.

Sure, there's evidence of some sort of primitive "civilizations" predating the appearance of H. sapiens. But even if there weren't, that wouldn't even be evidence against evolution, let alone a disproof of it. If space aliens had set down on Manhattan island a million years ago and noted the absence of evidence of civilization, would they have used that observation as evidence against evolution?

You have to do more than just make naked assertions around here, Dave. That might work at your Sunday Bible study meetings, but here you at least have to put together a coherent argument. And a little supporting evidence would help, too.

Speaking of which…young earth? Biblical inerrancy? Hello? Anyone out there?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

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