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  Topic: The limits of darwinism., Utunumsint's thread.< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 103
Joined: Jan. 2010

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 12 2010,11:06   

Quote (Richard Simons @ Feb. 12 2010,09:13)
Quote (Utunumsint @ Feb. 11 2010,16:11)
Quote (Louis @ Feb. 11 2010,15:56)
Quote (Utunumsint @ Feb. 11 2010,19:58)
[SNIP list of religious people who did science]

Yep. Religion and science. They just don't mix!!! :)


The fact that some people who do science also hold to a religious belief does not equate in any way to support of the claim that science and religion (or more properly reason and faith/revelation) are epistemologically compatible, nor does it equate to support for the claim that science is an outgrowth of/owes something to a vague and nebulous definition of religion.


Well it sure doesn't hurt.

So do you believe that faith and reason are incompatible or contradictory?


If it doesn't hurt, why are believers in a supernatural being under-represented amongst present-day scientists? Just think how long your list might be if, for all those centuries, it had been acceptable to be a non-believer.

That's a big question. If you have the stomach for it, you should read Charles Taylor's A Secular Age where he asks the question of why it is that for the first time in history, it is easier to not believe in God, than to believe in him.

Its a big book, but certainly well worth the effort.


  333 replies since Jan. 28 2010,12:18 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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