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  Topic: The limits of darwinism., Utunumsint's thread.< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: June 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 11 2010,19:18   

Quote (Louis @ Feb. 11 2010,19:04)
I agree with Ut that the world would be a better place if people, myself included, were more rational in every sense of the word.

I suspect that believing in an invisible man in the sky who threatens you, and has this really good deal for you if only you do what he says, or more precisely his self appointed representatives say, but listens to everything you ask of him, isn't going to fall under any workable definition of "rational" that has't been bent over a sofa and rogered from behind so thoroughly you could use its arsehole as a cat flap. For a tiger. Riding on a motorbike. With a series of other very overweight tigers in some sort of large pyramid formation. On an aircraft carrier. Sideways.

Anyway, my revelation (for my gods* speak to me too), says that everyone else's revelation is false. All my reasoning from that point, which constitutes a valid theology, says you're wrong, so nyah.

And that probably constitutes religion hating, I'll break out the fainting couch and smelling salts for anyone having a tough of the vapours.


*Actual gods may not exist

Yes, but Ut is talking about Roman Catholicism, which is actually the true religion, and has a pope, lots of saints and miracles, and a deity you can eat, unlike all of those irrational religions.

Edit: typo

Evolution is not about laws but about randomness on happanchance.--Robert Byers, at PT

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