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  Topic: Can you do geology and junk the evolution bits ?, Anti science.< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 03 2010,10:19   

Quote (afarensis @ Feb. 03 2010,07:25)
Quote (Robert Byers @ Feb. 03 2010,03:50)
Quote (afarensis @ Feb. 01 2010,07:17)
H'mm a land mammal (dolphin) converges on a fish shape and that is okay with you, but two land mammals converge on a similar shape - something that requires fewer changes than going from land to sea - and that is out of the question.  Consistency is not your thing is it Robert.

It makes my case.
The marsupial wolf is not just got a like shape as a regular wolf. Everything is the same from bone to flesh. Save a few differences.
Yet the sameness is the same.
The dolphin is not the same as a fish and only has a shape like a fish for a special general niche need.
I would say the mar/wolf is 90-95 % like a regular wolf and a dolphin about 5% like a fish at best.
In fact a dolphin is only convergent on a shape for motion and not convergent inside or out because of specific niche needs for hunting or hiding.
A video of a dolphin shows a very different creature in looks and motion from a fish.
A video of a mar/wolf shows a wolf in almost every detail of looks and motion.

No, there are quite a few anatomical differences between  marsupials and wolves, just not as many as between dolphins and fish. Which is the point. If dolphins can converge on a fish shape and not be the same as fish why can't marsupials converge on a wolf shape and not be the same as wolves. You are being inconsistent.

Of course he's inconsistent - he still avoided the chimpanzee-man comparison, for instance.  Of course, we don't say convergent evolution, just evolution, but he's still denying their "sameness" all the...uhr...same.

But, when you're Lying For Jeebus, there is no such thing as being inconsistent - it's reality that is lying.

"Just think if every species had a different genetic code We would have to eat other humans to survive.." : Joe G

  1350 replies since Sep. 08 2009,09:59 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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